> and have the Ctrl, Alt and CapsLock keys in the "proper" > positions -- Ctrl to the left of "A", Left Shift to the left of "Z", Alt = in > lower lefthand corner and Caps Lock next to spacebar, much like the old I= BM > AT keyboards. Works well for Ctrl and Alt key shortcut combinations used = by > Windows and most CAD applications. Bingo! That's the key configuration I was referring to that the original Wordstar commands were built around. It makes various left-side-of-keyboard Ctrl/Shift/Alt left hand only combinations very "span efficient" and rapid. Once the brain acquires the pattern-function match the results 'just happen' at about the speed of write. When the keyboard layout was changed it was not at all apparent that any superior purpose was served by the change. So far it still isn't :). The "Ctrl and Alt key shortcut combinations used by Windows and most CAD applications. that you refere to were either originated by Wordstar or (quite possibly) had already been evolved way back when, and Wordstar was what brought them to the masses, and to me. ("Now fades the glimmering landscape on the sight, and all the world a solemn stillness holds ..." :-) ). NOW LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WordStar http://www.wordstar.org/ IMSAI!!!, Micropor, Ed, NED, http://www.wordstar.org/wordstar/history/history.htm ! http://www.wordstar.org/wsdos/pages/downloads.htm http://inventors.about.com/od/wstartinventions/a/WordStar.htm http://home.nycap.rr.com/wlarmon/scrounge/wordstar.htm __________________________ Agh !!!!!!!!!!! http://www.wordstar.org/wsdos/kb/Q2002.htm WordStar for DOS (All Versions) WordStar for DOS Commands Reference Introduction Based on the WordStar version 3.0 command set Command Groups No File Menu Help Menus Cursor Movement Scrolling Basic Editing Formatting File/Block Operation Search & Replace Saving Files Printer Controls Miscelleneous Dot Commands Mailmerge Dot Commands Character Pitch Line Height No-File Commands Description Command Notes Open Document file D=09 Rename file E (^ KE)=09 File directory on/off F (^ KF)=09 Set help level H (^ JH)=09 Changed logged disk L (^ KL)=09 Run mailmerge (optional) M=09 Open non-document N=09 Copy file O (^ KO)=09 Print file P (^ KP)=09 Run program R=09 Run SpellStar (optional) S=09 Exit to operating system X=09 Delete file/td> Y (^ KJ)=09 TOP Help Menus Description Command Notes Help menu ^ J=09 Block menu ^ K=09 Onscreen menu ^ O=09 Print menu ^ P=09 Quick menu ^ Q=09 TOP Cursor Movement Description Command Notes Right character ^ D=09 Left character ^ S=09 Up line ^ E=09 Down line ^ X=09 Right word ^ F=09 Left word ^ A=09 Tab right ^ I=09 Top of screen ^ QE=09 Bottom of screen ^ QX=09 Beginning of file ^ QR=09 End of file ^ QC=09 Right end of line ^ QD=09 Left side of screen ^ QS=09 Block beginning ^ QB=09 Block end ^ QK=09 Find misspelling ^ QL=09 Position before previous command ^ QP=09 Start of last find/replace ^ QV=09 To marker 0-9 ^ Q0-Q9=09 TOP Scrolling Description Command Notes Down line ^ W=09 Up line ^ Z=09 Up screenfull ^ C=09 Down screenfull ^ R=09 Continuous up scroll ^ QZ=09 Continuous down scroll ^ QW=09 TOP Basic Editing Commands Description Command Notes Delete character ^ G=09 Delete character left DEL also ^ H Delete word right ^ T=09 Delete line ^ Y=09 Delete to end of line ^ QY=09 Delete to beginning of line ^ Q DEL also ^ QT Insert on/off ^ V=09 Insert carriage return (blank line) ^ N=09 Reform paragraph ^ B=09 TOP Formatting Description Command Notes Paragraph tab ^ OG=09 Variable tabbing on/off ^ OV=09 Center line ^ OC=09 Left margin set ^ OL=09 Right margin set ^ OR=09 Margin release ^ OX=09 Set margins and tabs from file ^ OF=09 Tab set ^ OI=09 Tab clear ^ ON=09 Justification on/off ^ OJ=09 Line space setting ^ OS=09 Page break display on/off ^ OP=09 Ruler display on/off ^ OT=09 Word wrap on/off ^ OW=09 Print control display on/off ^ OD=09 Hyphen help on/off ^ OH=09 Soft hyphen entry on/off ^ OE=09 TOP File/Block Operation Description Command Notes Column mode on/off ^ KN=09 Mark block beginning ^ KB=09 Mark block end ^ KK=09 Hide/display block ^ KH=09 Copy block ^ KC=09 Delete block ^ KY=09 Move block ^ KV=09 Write block to file ^ KW=09 Set/hide marker 0-9 ^ K0-K9=09 Read file into text ^ KR=09 Copy file ^ KO=09 Rename file ^ KE=09 TOP Search & Replace Description Command Notes Find string ^ QF=09 Find & replace ^ QA=09 Find/replace again ^ L=09 TOP Saving Files Description Command Notes Save and resume ^ KS=09 Save, done edit ^ KD=09 Save, exit to operating system ^ KX=09 Abandon edits ^ KQ=09 TOP Printer Controls Description Command Notes Alternate pitch (12cpi) ^ PA=09 Boldface begin/end ^ PB=09 Double strike begin/end ^ PD=09 Non-breaking space ^ PO=09 Overprint next character ^ PH=09 Overprint next line ^ P RETURN=09 Print pause ^ PC=09 Ribbon color change ^ PY=09 Standard pitch (10cpi) ^ PN=09 Strikeout begin/end ^ PX=09 Subscript begin/end ^ PV=09 Superscript begin/end ^ PT=09 Underscore begin/end ^ PS=09 Phantom space ^ PF=09 Phantom rubout ^ PG=09 User printer controls ^ P Q, W, E, R=09 TOP Miscelleneous Commands Description Command Notes Delete a file ^ KJ=09 Interrupt ^ U=09 Print a file ^ KP=09 Set help level ^ JH=09 Changed logged disk ^ KL=09 File directory on/off ^ KF=09 Repeat next command ^ QQ=09 TOP Dot Commands Description Command Notes Bidirectional print on/off .BP=09 Microjustify on/off .UJ=09 Page offset .PO=09 Character width .CW=09 Comment (not printed) .IG or ..=09 Conditional page .CP=09 Footing .FO=09 Footing margin .FM=09 Heading .HE=09 Heading margin .HM=09 Line height .LH=09 Margin at bottom .MB=09 Margin at top .MT=09 New page .PA=09 Omit page # .OP=09 Page number .PN=09 Page number column .PC=09 Sub/superscript roll .SR=09 Paper length .PL=09 TOP Mailmerge Dot Commands Description Command Notes Data file .DF=09 Read variables .RV=09 Repeat .RP=09 Set variable .SV=09 Ask for variable value .AV=09 Display message .DM=09 Clear screen .CS=09 File insert .FI=09 Print-time line forming .PF=09 Right margin .RM=09 Left margin .LM=09 Output justification .OJ=09 Interpret input as justified .IJ=09 TOP Character Pitch Pitch in characters per inch (cpi) Command Notes 5 .CW24=09 6 .CW20=09 7 .CW17=09 8 .CW15=09 10 .CW12 default 12 .CW10=09 15 .CW 8=09 20 .CW 6=09 24 .CW 5=09 30 .CW 4=09 TOP Line Height Lines per inch Command Notes 2.0 .LH24=09 2.4 .LH20=09 2.6 .LH18=09 3.0 .LH16=09 4.0 .LH12=09 4.8 .LH10=09 5.3 .LH 9=09 6.0 .LH 8 default 6.8 .LH 7=09 8.0 .LH 6=09 9.6 .LH 5=09 R :-) --=20 http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .