I have just created a simple application using the 8Mhz internal oscillator of a PIC18F2520. The problem is that about half the time the oscillator doesn't start on power up. I am required to use an existing analog 12V power supply ahead of a 78L05 regulator. I have discovered that the oscillator will start every time if I connect the 12V to the board after th= e power supply has already stabilized, so I inferred that it was the slow ris= e rate of the analog supply that was causing the problem. However, it looks like I am getting 0 to 5V at the PIC Vdd pin in about 20 ms, which seems to be well within the minimum rise rate spec of 0.05 V/ms. I have tried various combinations of Configuration bits, i.e., Power-Up-Timer enabled / disabled, Brown-Out-Detect enabled / disabled, etc. but that doesn't seem t= o make any difference. The hardware is extremely simple, so I must be missin= g something in the firmware. Any suggestions for where I might look would be much appreciated. Thanks, Foster --=20 http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .