In general I don't support the ideas of vengeance , retaliation , punishmen= t and the like. Such approaches don't work. I don't feel I have all the a= nswers nor do I think there is an answer for every problem or issue. I thi= nk the punishment system and prisons are a failure. I don't have a better = suggestion at this time. The best world I can envision is millions of intelligent independent puzzle= pieces choosing their place in the fabric of life. I don't think that mas= ter planners can put together a society that comes even close in material v= alue or moral value. I strongly support personal liberty , self-actualization and the enjoyment = of the fruits of one's labors. This means I support the idea that private = property is very important. I think individuals should be able to use thei= r assets and property as they see fit. I don't think they have a "social" = obligation to share it. That is up to them. I don't need leaders or kings or charismatics to tell me what to do. I don= 't mind learning from people smarter than me. I have never met a person wh= o knew how to run my life better than me. =20 I do not advocate violence for any purpose whether it be at the personal , = group or global level. I can see that violence does appear to be ingrained = in humans but I won't willing participate. I won't charge into battle beca= use the "commander" says so. I won't substitute a leader's morality for my= own. I never advocate violence or harming someone else. Gus in Denver 99gus --=20 PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at .