> There are many possible solutions, but simple "ovening" and a half > tolerable crystal to start would be a lot easier than many other > solutions. This was my thought too. Stick the whole electronics unit inside a thermos = flask, with a suitable resistor for heating. When synchronising at the begi= nning of the event the unit could be attached to a suitable mains based pow= er source, and the heating resistor run for long enough to get the internal= s to a stable temperature. This should hold the temperature to a much close= r tolerance than the total temperature range originally given.=20 If it is possible to have the unit powered from a car battery or other 'rel= atively beefy' power pack (which you may need any way to run 7-segment disp= lays for 8 hours) then a simple temperature control can be implemented to k= eep the unit with 10 degrees easily, without too much extra current draw. --=20 Scanned by iCritical. --=20 http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .