PETER ONION wrote: >>> if(diff >=3D 0) >>> byte =3D 0; >>> else >>> >>> { >>> byte =3D 8; >>> diff =3D - diff; >>> } > > The ";" just terminates the "if true statement". But if a semicolon doesn't end the IF statement, what does end it unambiguously? Or put another way, what if there was a outer IF not shown above, and ELSE was meant to be part of it, not the IF shown. How would yo= u then end the IF shown so that the ELSE would not be part of it? For example: if (outer_condition) if (inner_condition) count=3D0; //TRUE case of outer IF else do_something(); //FALSE case of outer IF How do you "end" the second IF so that the ELSE belongs to the first IF? I= f what you're saying above is true, then the only way to do this is to put th= e second IF inside brackets? I suppose that's at least consistant, but just asking for easily made mistakes. Worse, what I wrote above would not be interpreted as intended, but would be perfectly legal and not generate any compile error. This is why it seemed logical that the ";" would end the inner IF. But if what you're saying is true (I expect it is, as I said, I'm no C whiz), it's hard to imagine what was going thru K&R's minds when they designed the syntax. This would be yet another reason to religiously use brackets in IF statements. That's probably why I never bumped into this in real code. ******************************************************************** Embed Inc, Littleton Massachusetts, (978) 742-9014. Gold level PIC consultants since 2000. --=20 PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at .