I'm in need of an audio attenuator (logarithmic digital potentiometer) IC for occasional home projects. Nothing audiophile-grade, although that would be a plus if it weren't too pricey. The DS1801+ is adequate for my needs but I would think for the price (basically $8 in singles) I could get something dual supply so I don't have to add powerup thump muting. I need stereo, 1 db or better steps with 60 db or more range, two or three-wire control, readable as well as writeable, volatile memory. If anyone has a favorite part, please let me know. Thanks! Cheerful regards, Bob --=20 http://www.fastmail.fm - One of many happy users: http://www.fastmail.fm/docs/quotes.html --=20 http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .