RussellMc wrote: > This response is incredibly sloppy and incompetent. OK, just for you I'll refund all the money you paid for it. > The op asked for a > software solution but a hardware one was provided. Yes, this was intentional. I was not (and still am not) convinced that the OP fully understood what could be done in analog. My main point was how simple it would be, making it perhaps worthwhile to investigate whether analog might not be workable after all. > Components are shown but there is no indication of component values, or > types, or tolerances, or any guidance as to how appropriate values may be > able to be arrived at. For example the capacitor may be required to be > ceramic, or mylar, or polystyrene, or polyproplylene, or > poly-2-ol-di-methyl-ketoxy-parabutadiene. Or something else. Is the > resistor wattage rating relevant - would an 0805 or smaller package be > acceptable or does it need to be wirewound, and if the latter is > heatsinking required and if so how many degrees per Watt. If a wirewound > resistor is required, are inductive effects relevant? My dead fish is on vacation, so I had no way of arriving at component values. > Most redeculous of all is the complete and utter lack of any circuit > description. How does it work? What is it supposed to do? Is it dangerous > if left lying around the house. I thought I'd elaborate on the small chance that the response to my post wasn't a snippy comment, as this OP has a history of doing. He has demonstrated on a number of occasions that spending significant time up front is a waste of time. > I'm not going to waste my valuable time picking further holes in > your pathetic attempt at a solution when I have real work to do. > ... > > So a D for effort and a C- for execution. Wow, after all that still a passing grade for execution!? Surely this proves the point about grade inflation and the sorry state of our education system. --=20 PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at .