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>> I was wondering if anyone knew of active microphone filter software,
>> something that can actively filter out low frequencies?

> See attached.

This response is incredibly sloppy and incompetent. The op asked for a
software solution but a hardware one was provided. The diagram has no
information block and title. Date, originator, time of last coffee
break and number of sheets are not given, just to take a
representative sample of defects.

Components are shown but there is no indication of component values,
or types, or tolerances, or any guidance as to how appropriate values
may be able to be arrived at. For example the capacitor may be
required to be ceramic, or mylar, or polystyrene, or polyproplylene,
or poly-2-ol-di-methyl-ketoxy-parabutadiene. Or something else.  Is
the resistor wattage rating relevant - would an 0805 or smaller
package be acceptable or does it need to be wirewound, and if the
latter is heatsinking required and if so how many degrees per Watt. If
a wirewound resistor is required, are inductive effects relevant?

There are labels "In" and "Out" but nothing to show actual termination
points. Just because the labels are near the end of a line does not
mean that a constructor can be sure that connection is actually
intended. Such sloppy presentation and uncertain meaning makes the
diagram useless and indeed highly dangerous to users who think
correctly. It's not even obvious that the diagram will wrap correctly
at 80 characters. Having a hard line break after "OUT" would avoid
this issue and the amount of work require is small compared to the
gains liable to be made.

The items labelled R1 and C1 are recognisable as probably
corresponding to standard components but what is the funny filled in
triangle shape at the bottom? It doesn't correspond to a standard
connector and the symbol is non standard for any other purpose. It
only has a single connection, which doesn't make any sense. Is it a
monopole or an infinite sink (or source) or does it work by waving
dead fish at full moon? It may be meant to be an adjustable precision
zener, which would be equally stupid.

Most redeculous of all is the complete and utter lack of any circuit
description. How does it work? What is it supposed to do? Is it
dangerous if left lying around the house.

Some clue as to construction and layout, while not absolutely
essential, can be expected if you want to be seen as a competent
engineer. Is layout critical, are there any feedback paths induced
through spurious couplings if it is not built correctly, does it have
to be built with some or all components facing true North, or magnetic
North, or Lunar north. Are there any special conditions? A proper
engineer will think about this sort of aspect in advance and will not
waste the valuable time of 2,000 list members, and the 100,000 or so
who may view  it on Nabble at some stage, and the billion or more
people on the web who are liable to have access to it sooner or later.
You need to remember that data is now persistent and this circuit may
be around for 10 or 20 years, so you have to do justice to the people
whose time you may be wasting by doing it the way you have.
Engineering is a serious business and you cannot take your social and
moral responsibilities so lightly. You have a lot to learn if you want
to become a top flight engineer in this lifetime. You should also
spilling-chuck your posts before you send them. There is no indication
anywhere in your post, not in either word, that you have done so.
People should not need to wonder about misspillings when trying to
understand your circuits and what it is that you are feebly struggling
to say.

I'd complain about the pathetic commenting, bad indenting, lack of
clear and consistent variable naming and of general logical rigor if
there were any such to critique. If this had been a software solution,
as requested, it would have made this aspect of reviewing a lot
easier. You have to think ahead about the implications of making
changes such as this. To you the change from software to hardware may
have seemed trivial, but the consequent lack of comments and code to
critique can be very upsetting to a certain class of

I could go on and on and on and on and on but I think everyone here
knows where everyone is coming from and that should be enough. I'm not
going to waste my valuable time picking further holes in your pathetic
attempt at a solution when I have real work to do. One last time, in
case you've forgotten or didn't pay attention - People proposing
solutions need to know that if they don't do so in a consistent and
meaningless manner then they are wasting the time of 2000+ highly
skilled professionals who have better things to do with their time
than trying to work out how the circuit is meant to work.

So a D for effort and a C- for execution. Do try harder next time.

                RM   JoAT, MoEE.

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