Hat: No > OK, Russell, now I'll put on my admin hat. > If you don't want to hear me say the things I say, it's real easy. > 1. NO POLITICS on the Piclist. > 2. Don't hit reply. > Bob Indeed. But, as I noted: 1. Our rules are too vague, and so allow vague interpretation of the meaning of "politics" at the whim of list admins. 2. Economics <> politics, although they often hold hands. Many people talk re the former on list and are allowed to do so with no comment at all by admins. Admins even join in or even originate economic themes, with no suggestion that this is wrong. But ... 3. If Vitaliy speaks about anything that has any economic content, even peripherally, this is "often" deemed to be politics and thus in violation of the "no politics" requirement. While I find some of Vitaliy's economic ideas naive and quaint or even occasionally somewhat distressing (army boots, height, age ... :-) ) it's not apparent to me why he should not be treated the same as other people are on such matters. There is no doubt* that Vitaliy knowingly pushes the limits on such things on occasions, if our rules were somewhat bettert cast he would have less opportunity to do so. 4. One solution is to stomp on everyone here who has any inclination to talk on anything vaguely economic - while that's one way to foil the dread Vitaliy, - Stomping on things seems unacceptable, whether it be list members or othe= r. - it also would debar a lot of the existing conversations which clearly people are interested in and which happens now without any problems. About the only time we have problems with such conversations is when Vitaliy has the temerity to join in, when they become by definition political and so proscribed. A somewhat more consistent and less confusing approach would be nice. We need an adult and acceptable and generally accepted interpretation of what "politics" means IF ALL THE APATHETIC ADULT CARING LIST MEMBERS DON'T ADD SOME VIEWS ON ALL THIS ABOUT NOW YOU'LL END UP WITH BOB'S VIEW THAT POLITICS IS ANYTHING THAT VITALIY SAYS plus some stuff about donkeys and bears. SPEAK UP NOW, OR BE HAPPY WITH THE CONSEQUENCES. _______ And as I said: "Robust discussion trickling along the borders of politics and economics, to make a point, or even tacking perhaps too deeply into one or other, may well be fine enough if it has some deep point - or may not. However, ad hominem attack and personal abuse are completely different matters and are also quite independently not allowed by list rules. Unlike the present excessively vague rule re "no politics", the meaning of "hate" at a personal level has been far better established in past exchanges." Nothing that was said in response addressed that in any way. You can't deal with rule A being poorly defined by knowingly violating rule= B. Attempting to do so is liable to be nonproductive. Russell * A certainty. There's only way to be certain about such things. Think about it :-) --=20 http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .