> > I call BS. John Stossel is the source of this false news item. He is > > full of it. If it was true, real news would have covered it. > Is "The San Diego Union-Tribune" real enough for you? > http://www.signonsandiego.com/uniontrib/20080918/news_lz1e18zwolink.html > > Would you like me to find and cite the anti-gouging laws? Or would it tak= e a > copy of the arrest warrant to satisfy you? Zwolinski SEEMS real http://home.sandiego.edu/~mzwolinski/ Whether he did his homework would need TBD. The story seems to have little coverage overall and it's all too easy to be fooled by something on-web if due diligence is not done. If Bob is happy to engage with V' on this at this level in public then, by all means, lay on. If however this is a modal exchange where it's OK for a while and then not OK and then OK and ... , then it may be a better idea to politely explain what parts are and aren't acceptable for ongoing guidance. A very important issue is that the PICList FAQ is excessively wooly on this area. It essentially says "no politics". *** However ***, many list members would happily distinguish between economics and politics - and many do. There are often several parallel economic discussions which variably border on philosophical human organisational(aka politics) in progress, and a range of people contribute amicably, including eg Bob and herbert and (occasionally) me. (Usually of less interest to me than to some others). It seems very highly desirable that the rules be clear enough that proper boundaries can be easily distinguished. Having political include "economics, but only if espoused by Vitaliy" would be clear and understandable enough, but it would need to be written into the faq so we know how to deal with it. At present we have implicit rules like "this is not politics because its was posted by [Joe | Bob | Herbert | Oli | Olin (even) | russell | J... ]. Again - if this was in the faq we could understand it, but at present it's not so how to decide where the boundaries are is hard and this causes problems. Maybe we need a simple rule like "Vitaliy said this so it must be politics so it is forbidden" or some such equally simple rule to follow. If we don't have such a rule and if we insist on not improving what the faq says then I suggest we should start off with the implict rule "economics <> politics unless it also features a donkey and or an elephant or a Swastika or ... ". I don't like that rule myself as some such material clearly is too like "real" politics, but if we care (as we seem to do) then let's make it a bit clearer than at present. It may be useful if list members OTHER THAN Vitaliy and Bob (and russell ? :-) ) say publicly what they think "no politics" may or does mean. Having a corporate view may help. If everyone does their usual thing and doesn't participate then we will just have to stay with "If Vitaliy says it then it's politics and its bad" as at present. [[[ I personally would NOT want to see Vitaliy (or Bob) free to discuss their more extreme philosophical ideas under the guide of "not politics" (as too many people will then want to add their "not political" alternatives as well) - BUT I do want a clearer and acceptable boundary defined.]]] _______________ re initial discussion: It would be nice for protagonists to change the tag to something apposite (but polite :-) ) so that people can decide if it's liable to be worth reading. In fact, having an accurate subject line would go a long way towards allowing acceptable but potentially marginal material to be discussed with less potential impact. Russell PS - politics is largely of low interest to me. Economic systems only somewhat less so. Here we don't have Republicans or Democrats or even Gubbernators. We do have somewhat equivalent entities. I'm more liable to be driven to sleep than to rage by detailed discussions of such. --=20 http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .