Sean Breheny wrote: > I understand that, I was just wondering where the 35kbit/sec number > comes from. It sounds like a rule of thumb and not a theoretical > limit. If it were a theoretical limit, it should apply in a lab-type > setting, too, and yet it would be fairly easy to inject a signal into > a telephone codec which got any arbitrary sequence of codes out of the > ADC, which could then deliver a data rate of 64 kbits/sec. Even with a > kilometer of wire in front of the codec, it could be done in the lab > by doing system identification on the wire to determine the transfer > function and then pre-distorting the signal to compensate. >=20 > In fact, this must actually be possible (not quite 64kbps) in a > real-world situation on a high-quality phone line since 56 kbps modems > do work on at least one analog end. 56k works in the ISP-to-end user direction because the end user's modem uses a 14- to 16-bit ADC to measure the voltage coming down the line, and with enough training, it can syncrhonize itself precisely to the 8-kHz sampling rate of the digital part of the system, and it can distinguish about 128 unique voltage levels in each sample interval. Note that because of u-law companding, these voltage levels are not linearly distributed, which is why you need such a high-resolution ADC. It isn't 256 levels becuase in the u-law system there are pairs of codes that are indistinguishable, and furthermore, the phone company does some in-band signalling by robbing (overwriting) one of the bits every now and then.=20 If both ends of the link are analog, then you have to treat the digital part in the middle as a simple noisy channel, because there's no way to syncrhonize to the sampling or calibrate to the telco's actual codec voltage levels. As a result, you have an available bandwidth of about 3400-3700 Hz, and an effective S/N ratio of about 40-50 dB -- but keep in mind that this is quantization noise in a companding codec, not simple AWGN= .. That's why you end up with a limit of about 35 kbps in this mode -- 9 to 10 bits per baud at 3200-3400 baud. -- Dave Tweed --=20 PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at .