Hi all - I have some work to finish a 16F temperature logging project for=20 someone (paid for a working version within the next 3 days) It is using a PIC16F877, 4-line LCD with 4 buttons attached to the DB4-7=20 lines, 4 Maxim DS18B20 temp sensors, a couple of 32KB I2C eeproms, a MOSFET= =20 to switch the LCD off when the PIC sleeps between readings (every hour for= =20 at least 10 weeks) and a Maxim DS1307 RTC to timestamp and trigger the=20 interrupt to wake up and take reading. All is working reasonably for and has been for a while on a breadboard, but= =20 the chap I'm doing it for has it's own board that has been fraught with=20 problems from the start (I offered to do the whole thing myself and send it= =20 fully working to him, but he wants to do it this way, which means I have to= =20 write code, then send it to him and debug remotely...) To get to the point - we are using a Max232 to Hyperterminal to upload the= =20 data to the PC. I was using the PicKit2 Uart tool with no problems at all,= =20 but with Hyperterminal things behave strangely - it gets to the end of the= =20 readings (say 100 for now) then the cursor files down the screen with=20 newlines and cannot be stopped, like it loses itself. At this point I get a= =20 "serial not present" message on the LCD (I show a message on=20 connect/disconnect) The odd things the PIC, carries on with no problems - it does not hang, and= =20 will carry on taking readings if they are activated. Putting a scope probe= =20 on the Tx output pin of the Max232 though appears to show data still being= =20 sent, even though the PIC is NOT actually sending anything and proceeding=20 normally?? I am not very experienced with Hyperterminal, or indeed RS232(before my tim= e=20 really - I have always used USB) but as this is not my project I have no=20 choice. I know there is better software available but would like to know=20 what is going on with Hyperterminal, just in case he insists on using it. I am thinking it may be something to do with not using a null modem cable?= =20 the PC thinks it's talking to a modem and expects some handshake at the end= ? Any suggestions as to what is causing this would be great - by the way, I=20 can send one or two lines okay to the PC, it seems to be just when a lot of= =20 data is sent that it does this. Any ideas? =20 --=20 http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .