> I try not to let it get to me ... It's easy enough - Just apply an inverse fourier "view world through vinegar colo[u]red glasses" convolution (VWTVCG) against "average response with 3 sigma + outliers removed", apply a boxcar filter based on this and deal with what's left. Often it's very good. If the only signal you get is more than 10 dB below the noise floor you can, if you can be bothered, repeat the above but reducing the boxcar to 2 sigma+. This will usually but not always get at least something worthwhile. If not you could try 1 sigma+ acceptance bounds but that's almost certain to produce such a noisy signal if the other attempts have failed that it's unlikely to be useful. Warning: In applying above be sure to apply the INVERSE 'vinegar' convolution or truly horrid things could happen. (This approach is useful if a 'shock jock' generator is required but is not apposite here). In place of continuous inverse Fourier VWTVCG convolution a discrete form or Winograd transform could be utilised. While this does involve both real and complex issues, the discrete versions are susceptible to window length errors which may allow out of band signal to be aliased into the passband to produce undetected subharmonic vinegarising. This may no longer be overly acerbic but is liable to noise up the otherwise often useful or even highly valuable residual signal. The Winograd transform (formally known as the Winograd Fourier Transform Algorithm (or usually just WFTA*, **) allows complexity bounds to be set on the devinegaring but, as may be imagined, application of WFTA is fraught with hazards which need not be mentioned here. Suggestions to try to emulate a be a Cool(ey) Tu(r)key or to not get butterflies, are liable to be beyond the pale into insignificance. Sometimes its better, and almost always easier, if transformation doesn't seem to produce redemption, to just dump the sample and walk away, walk away, walk away, rather than trying to sort wheat, gold and sheep from Goats, chaff and dross (in no particular order). There will always be more data. Russell * Really. ** Gus may want to sue them, depending on precedence. Terry developed his transform in Further reading: WTFA: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fast_Fourier_transform http://cnx.org/content/m16335/latest/ http://www.springerlink.com/content/911956337j3n2873/ http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=3D1162924 http://eprints.iisc.ernet.in/8237/ http://www.eda.org/VIUF_proc/Spring94/WAILES94A.PDF WA WA WA ... - http://www.eric-clapton.co.uk/ecla/lyrics/walk-away.html - http://www.google.co.nz/search?q=3Dwalk+away+walk+away&hl=3Den&prmd=3Dv&s= ource=3Duniv&tbs=3Dvid:1&tbo=3Du&ei=3DtfSCTNIqidS1A4iw4PYH&sa=3DX&oi=3Dvide= o_result_group&ct=3Dtitle&resnum=3D1&ved=3D0CCUQqwQwAA Vinegairette transform: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=3Dcache:OJlYelgDg2YJ:www.con= tracostatimes.com/ci_6468260+%2Btransform+%2Bvinaigrette+%2Bfiltering&cd=3D= 3&hl=3Den&ct=3Dclnk&gl=3Dnz http://www.google.co.nz/#q=3D%2Btransform+%2Bvinaigrette&hl=3Den&sa=3DX&prm= d=3Dv&source=3Duniv&tbs=3Dvid:1&tbo=3Du&ei=3DVfKCTI2GLJT2swO1qoX4Bw&oi=3Dvi= deo_result_group&ct=3Dtitle&resnum=3D2&ved=3D0CCEQqwQwAQ&fp=3D9b8c2d1298cd8= 951 --=20 http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .