Folks, I'm debugging a small circuit board with a PIC 18F4320 chip, using MPLab 8.53 and a PICkit 3. Everything works fine in both debug and release modes on power-up IF the PICkit 3 is connected or reconnected. I'm using an AC adapter as +5v supply and disconnect the cord at the circuit board to power down. Master Clear (inverted MCLR) is done by a pushbutton microswitch to ground, with pin 1 of the PIC (!MCLR) also connected through 10K ohms to +5v for pull-up (recommended config. by the PICkit 3 docs). 1. If I power-up the bare board (i.e., with PICkit 3 disconnected) by connecting the already powered-up adapter to the board, the PIC is in a hung state. Pressing and releasing the master clear pushbutton doesn't do any good. 2. HOWEVER, if I reconnect the PICkit 3 connector, nothing happens, but I get a dialog box on the PC warning me to make sure that I have the right Vdd voltage on the chip (a new feature of the PICkit 3, which doesn't power the board under test like the PICkit 2), When I respond to the dialog box, the PICkit 3 pulses Pin 1 MCLR low and the PIC starts up fine. 3. ALSO, if the PIC is under continuous power, the pushbutton master clear switch works fine, i.e., the PIC goes back through its startup code. All of which seems to indicate that the master clear switch/circuit works fine, i.e., pulls pin 1 to ground OK, but there's something funky with the timing of the powerup sequence and/or switch-actuated MCLR vs. PICkit-driven MCLR. Should I condition the pushbutton signal or run it through a one-shot? TIA, Mike PS: In the Config bits, I have the Power Up Timer enabled and am running a 10 MHz crystal with HS-PLL mode, i.e., 40 MHz clock rate for the PIC. --=20 PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at .