Jens Konig wrote: oney also matters. > > I would like to know your opinion about this. Jens, I think as many other said that the decissi=F3n is up to = you but may be our opinion can give you several watches on = the same picture that can make your mind clear. If you are young, single, no kids and with possible parents = support I would chase for the better "career program". 30% = is a lot of money but as many one said you could fight for = some more.. may be you could reach about 15% less than your = actual job. In the pursue for a career plan, you have to think what you = would like to do in the near future . A developer? A = techincal salesman? A manager? Many high tech companies do = require technical qualified people for their jobs. It comes = a time when real complex equipmen have to be leaded by real = senior engineers (some people think that if you work for 10 = years you are a senior, well that's not true, you can work = 10 years turning leds on an off and that doesn't make you a = senior ... unless you are working on a HDTV device LOL). So, if your current job is boring, not technically = challenging and is not on the line you want to be within the = near future.. so I think facts are showing you the answer... = money is important but living is important too. I've seen many technical people , engineers, that worked on = a not too well paid job for several years, suddendly a new = company comes to town and hires the best technical people = for 2 to 3 times their current income!! why? because they = needed the best to do the best and because the best for = their work are the technical skilled people, not the best = paid in their previous job... When I see job postings, they always demand skills not your = previous sallary... if your current sallary comes together = with a non challenging technical job and with no career = plan... then well you have there the answer too... may be = the money that you earn today will be the money you will = earn all your life in that job... In another job, where technical skills are appreciated, you = will earn more as you are better on what you do... I hope you cearl your mind and choose what's better for you. -- = ------------------------------ Mauricio Giovagnini (Maunix) Cordoba, Arg. LinkedIn Profile: -- = PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at