I found "FPGA prototyping by VHDL examples" book by Pong P. Chu to be very helpful. Prior to this, I bought "the designer's guide to vhdl" by peter ashenden and pretty much hated it after while - it is much more of a wordy, academic oriented text, vs. focused on creating synthesizable circuits for the real world. "Circuit design with VHDL" by Volnei Pedroni was better, but still not sufficient IMHO. I also have to admit I'm (a) pretty bad at VHDL and (b) find it kind of mind-bending and difficult. I've programmed in C/C++ for more than 20 years and have done hardware (digital and analog) for 10, but this is really something different. Also, after all this, it seems that Verilog is a better "language" to learn. In the bay area, there is definitely more job descriptions with verilog than VHDL, and Verilog seems to be used more for large-scale systems and delivery of IP. My 2c. J Jonathan Hallameyer wrote: > Hello all, > My boss at work has decided that he wants to start working with FPGA's and > CPLDs and possibly send some of us to a training class for programming > them. Nothing too large at the moment, our sister organization uses Xilinx > CoolRunnerII's and that should be suitable for us also. Is there any > training courses, for programming CPLDs and FPGAs (presumably VHDL, though > not a requirement) that anyone would personally recommend? Travel isn't too > much of an issue, just keeping it in CONUS would be adequate, east cost > preferred. Also, any recommended reading for an FPGA newbie that just > knows just about nothing about them software/programming wise? > > thanks > -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist