> I became convinced that you will never 'get it' until you find yourself > on the receiving end (= maybe, never) Vitaliy, (= maybe, never) could well be true. To the best of my ability, despite how I might like to push the envelope a little at times, I try not to be on the receiving end. And personally I don't find it that difficult > As long as a set of rules suits you, you will find ways to rationalize > them and even joke about "eliminating the 0.1%" It's not that rules "suit" me, it's just that I have no particular problem with them the way they are. That's not to say I'm some puppy dog. I'd react if I thought I was being treated unfairly. Nothing is so big that you can't walk away from it I wouldn't advocate removing anyone or making life here intolerable enough for them to leave, but there's obviously a great contention between some members and admins that the many of us really don't "get". I conduct myself on the list as per my personality, others will do the same. If their conduct is at odds with the admins then that is something which I can do nothing about > It was worth a try Anything's worth a try > At least now I can see how things are more clearly Not sure what to make of that > Sorry for wasting everyone's time. Please don't think you've wasted _my_ time. I'm interested wbr, Joe -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist