Russell McMahon wrote: > people are not compared to Nazis by your insinuations, while you appear or pretend not to mean what is insinuated. The latter is the real reason for this response - if you start comparing people and actions with those of thje Nazis, be it ever so much in jest, please be utterly sure that you do so very clearly so there is no doubt what you intend.< Why would I compare Jim to a Nazi? <:-O You see Russell, this is what happens when one employs allegories (I learn from you). IMO Jim's position was better described by Niemoeller, which by an indirect reference invokes Godwin's Law. Is it clearer now? > (If you wish to make open comparisons then by all means do so, so that due process may be followed). < "Due process"? Perhaps it has a different meaning in New Zealand, but what usually happens here does not fit the definition of "due process" as commonly understood in the US. > In due course our hero, against all odds, against all sensibility, as if in a dream, arrived at the position of power that he had aspired to. He set out to make things right for his fellow countrymen, to restore national pride, to give them breathing space and the respect and honour that they truly deserved. He did truly great things. He restored the national pride. He improved working conditions, build holiday camps and welfare schemes for the workers, ocean liners were built to take the workers on holiday. Factory production soared. He built great a network of majestic high speed roads across his country to link its far flung regions and reduce trip times greatly. That this also improved military interior mobility as well was not wholly irrelevant. Many and great were the things which this great man achieved. < I (and a great many others) do not subscribe to this point of view. It reflects the opinion of those who think that the "good" things you describe would not happen without this "great man", and likely at a quicker pace, with less waste, and with far fewer casualties. After all, the country was (and had again become, after being bombed into the Stone Age) the economic powerhouse of Europe. BTW, is this far enough? Would you like to take the conversation off-list, or continue to use your immunity to advance your views on the forbidden subject, and perhaps later use my lack of the former to "follow the due process"? VItaliy -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at