> "How to ask questions the Smart Way" > http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html I've suggested previously that should be sent to and be required reading for anyone subscribing. Moderating their first few posts and insisting they post the correct way would ensure they start PIC life on the right foot. After that they're fair game and if you ask a question that deserves an RTFM answer and you get one, you've only yourself to blame. Learn from it IMO PIClist suffers less from newbie questions than other forums (including Microchip's). Of the type "My circuit isn't working", followed by pages of "What circuit" "What PIC" "What's wrong" > - Self centered > - A coddled sense on entitlement. > - Rejecting of authority > - Feels alienated when chastised That's the way kids think now unfortunately. But they will always be the emerging entrants in any field and need to be told how to research and present findings. When I started work we were instructed to do just that. The lab manager would then pick over our reports, pointing out what was well done, missing, irrelevant, and so on My approach has always been along the lines of > 3) Give them some water, and tell them where the well is If you asked someone what the time was and they told you to **** off and buy a watch, how would you feel ? But if they told you the time and suggested you purchase some sort of timepiece ....... > This is a list for engineers, not a bunch of touchy-feely artists Competence and sensitivity are not mutually exclusive but I appreciate your sentiment. If, however, referring to my first paragraph, you show people the correct way to get help, that would make things run a lot more amicably Looking at the vastness of Microchip's portfolio nowadays, I completely understand how a newcomer would be totally overwhelmed at the sight of an enormous, seemingly impenetratable, forest of information before them. Only from experience do I know that getting familiar with a product takes time and patience. Newbies do not have that experience and I'm prepared to help them (up to a certain point) wbr -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist