Much of what you (Olin) say, including [perspective on historical events, is necessarily "gospel according to Olin" as i would hope that you would recognise. You are, of course. entitled to hold your own perspectives of reality - as we all do to variable extents. For the edification of others, you may wish to demonstrate how your perspective of a typical event compares to how others may see it. You have provided an excellent example case. As I have only ever declined one message from you (AFAIR) but have passed many, the one you are referring to below is clear enough. > ... Occasionally some message got rejected for silly reasons. =A0Then a > few months ago a perfectly reasonable message that wasn't anywhere near > the line got rejected by Russell, who is PC off the deep end. =A0I decided > I'd had enough and wasn't going to add value to the PIClist. >From memory (and it won't do any harm if what you produce demonstrates my memory is lacking) when I rejected your post - I wrote a substantial comment to you explaining why I had done it, and - noting that what you said was reasonable enough in its own right but inadmissible in the circumstances due to how it would be very liable to to list instability and - I apologised for doing so and noted that it couldn't be nice having 'people in power' excercising such apparently arbitrary rights and that i was sorry to annoy you by doing so and - I invited you to submit the post again and said that if you did so I'd leave it alone and let some other admin make a decision on it. Now, I may be mixing up some of my very few rejects from other people there, but I think probably not. If my response did in fact include most or all of the points above I think that people would find it a fascinating exercise to compare what I wrote, to your current perspective of it. By all means prove me wrong - demonstrations of my incorrectness usually do me good after the initial pain :-). I think the above is traditionally termed a "put up or shut up" request. I in my excessively PC manner [tm] would of course never put it that way :-). I would however welcome you posting my original rejection response for the editication of all. (If your record and backup systems are even only a shadow of what I imagine them to be it should take only a moment to do so). If that response is the sort of input that causes you to withdraw your undoubtedly valued and valuable input from the majority then so be it. I, like most, respect your technical capabilities and skills and have been impressed by your (past) willingness to contribute. I'll currently hold my counsel on most of the rest - admin informal policy has long been to largely not be drawn into firefights onlist on such matters. But 1. re my being " PC off the deep end ..." - you obviously haven't had any substantial real life dealings with me :-). My intentions are always for the best of all. The results sometimes leave a modicum of individual annoyance - as at present. (Not something I aim at as a by product). . 2. The substantial body of material that I have written offlist over the years, either TO admins or as an admin, *in your defence* would make interesting reading :-) Russell do so - -- = PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at