Since its a little difficult to run the debugger on a 10F, just having the programming pins available (I prefer not buying the 10F adapter deal) I'm trying to use a 10F as a programmable one-shot. I have code running now that toggles an LED so I know the timer portion is working fine. I connect up a pot to GP0, measure the voltage on the pin to make sure its adjusting, external stimulus is there. Should be pretty straight forward...Ive done analog capture many a time in 16F and 18F setup the control and port movlw b'01000001' ; ||||||||_ ADC on ; |||||||__ ADC go/done ; ||||||___ analog channel select ; |||||____ analog channel select ; ||||_____ x ; |||______ x ; ||_______ Analog 0 on GP0 (1=analog) ; |________ Analog 1 on GP1 movwf adcon0 movlw b'11111011' ; set gp2 as an output tris gpio READ_ANALOG bsf adcon0,GO ; start a/d conversion wait4done btfsc adcon0,GO ; test if done goto wait4done ; movf adres,w ; yes, load result movwf scaleValue ; and save as value retlw 0 I have in the main body of the code where I use scaleValue to load for my seconds. Anyone done analog capture with the 10F and can see anything wrong here? Timer isn't loading with a short value..I have .5V sitting on the pin so that should be about 16 using a 3.3V supply. Doens't appear to be doing this. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at