The USB to i2c chip emulates a serial port. I think that google may even reveal PIC code for this. Talking to a serial port simplifies life for OS X, Windows and Linux. All sorts of development environments support serial ports. Python, Ruby , shells , F-script , RealBasic ( free for Linux ) Gus On Dec 26, 2009, at 5:40 PM, PICdude wrote: I like this. A single I2C to USB interface with a bunch of I2C to A/D, D/A, digital I/O interfaces would be a relatively simple solution. If I am going to create my own PCB for this, I might as well go with the chip option. Now I'm re-thinking why not just use a USB PIC and force myself to learn that. I'll sleep on that. The big open concern is the PC-side programming. I'm not sure I want to get a full compiled development environment and mess with USB port programming etc. What would be nice is if there's an API set that lets me control the I2C devices from a generic scripting language (perhaps sh, bash, etc under Linux or something similar under Win), and gives me simple function calls such as read input port, set output bit, etc). I need to research that. Cheers, -Neil. Quoting YES NOPE9 : > Consider a USB to i2c adapter. i2c modules of all types abound. > I could loan you my adapter that I bought from > ($70) > They also have chips and modules ranging from $4 up. > > Gus > > -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at