> In order to make an array of LED's to glow, should I use BC 547 > transistors? You could use transistor buffers, or perhaps an octal buffer IC like a 74xx244 (+/- 16mA sink/source). Depends on the current required for each LED. Some are bright at only a few mA and the port could drive them directly. If brightness is not important, use a limiting resistor on each LED so the port can handle them all For example if the port can sink/source 100mA max, that's 12.5mA per LED max. If Vcc is 5V and the LED drops 1.7V (if red) that leaves 3.3V. 3300/12.5 = 264 ohms. I'm sure that the LED would still be bright enough with 470 ohms and put less strain on the port. If the brightness isn't enough then you'll have to buffer -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist