Dear All, I was helping someone to learn PIC Microcontrollers with a LED blinking program using a new PIC16F877A board. The LED was connected to the 8th pin of PORTB. I switched (on and off) all the eight pins of PORTB. The LED didn't glow. I tried switching on the eight pin alone. It worked. I realised from the datasheet that all the eight pins of PORTB sinks 200mA of current. In order to make an array of LED's to glow, should I use BC 547 transistors? The board uses a 11MhZ crystal. I see that the delay code that I downloaded from the HiTech C libraries is not functioning properly. The delay code seems to be unstable. How do I develop a perfect delay code for myself? I defined the clock frequency of my crystal in my code. But the delay seems to be erratic. Regards, Sairam -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at