You might get this chip to go up where you need (150MHz is listed as the max but you may be able to stretch it): However, be forewarned that the weather radio broadcasts use an FM deviation of only around 5kHz, instead of the much wider (25kHz?) used by FM broadcast band transmitters, so some receiver circuits intended for FM broadcast band will not give much audio output when fed by narrow-band FM. They also may have way too wide an IF bandwidth, leading to reception of multiple signals and extra noise. I like the suggestion which Eric made on the SA626 even better, though. That looks almost ideal. The NE602 or SA602 is an obsolete, but still available, IC which is used in many amateur receiver projects. It is a mixer+oscillator for basically 0 to 400MHz. You might try searching for it along with other suitable keywords (FM receiver, receiver, weather receiver, etc.). You probably won't find a solution which doesn't require some external inductors. The good news, though, is that this is a fairly nice territory for inductors. They can usually be just a few turns air wound and can be adjusted by just bending the turns closer or farther away from each other. You should also be able to leverage off-the-shelf ceramic filters at 10.7MHz if you make that your IF frequency. Sean On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 11:13 AM, Mark wrote: > I have a project where I want to build a custom weather radio for use in > north america. The band they use is around 162 Mhz. Does anyone know of > any IC or parts that would make this easier. All the parts I keep > finding are either no longer produced or very hard to get . I'm hoping > not to have to build one from discrete parts like a bunch of transistors > and coils, really hoping there is a chip out there , preferably in dip > format , that I could add just a few parts to. > > Thanks > Mark > > -- > PIC/SX FAQ & list archive > View/change your membership options at > > -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at