Thanks to everybody. I get very usefully ideas here. I think I am going to try to add a transistor to the common cathode, driven by a PWM. Cristiano 2009/12/7 Jinx > > I was wondering if someone has an advice for a driver for a 7 > > segments display. I need to be able to adjust the brightness of the > > display "in software", with a command. The display drivers I have > > found so far expect an external resistor to set the brightness level > > Cristiano, I occassionally use the CMOS 4543 > > > > > > (sorry about the inverted colours, I'd change it but my ftp is playing up) > > In that circuit there would be a couple of options. Strobe the Blank > pin (which enables the output drivers) or strobe the common cathode > (the ground connection to the right of the LSD) via a FET. Either could > be done with a PWM output > > For ICs that expect a resistor to set the current, that resistor could be > selected from a group with a transistor or 4066 > -- > PIC/SX FAQ & list archive > View/change your membership options at > > -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at