>I will have a look at 100KHz, it makes sense. I have now to >look at inductor selection which seems a bit confusing. Have a look at the mail that Olin sent through here recently, which gave a pretty good formula for designing a converter. As set out I think it was for buck converters, but should work for boost ones as well. It is the last one under "[EE] 24 -> 5V switching regulator?" You should be able to find it in the piclist archive using that subject line as your search criteria. Also look at the devices and application notes from Linear Technology. Essentially the core of their business is convertor chips. The LTSpice program is built around designing for these chips (although it does general purpose spice as well). They have chips for all sorts of power ranges, including multiphase ones that get some reasonable power outputs. http://www.linear.com/index.jsp -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist