I fairly regularly need to hardwire some unique connector to an oscilloscope input - and often I need the equivalent of a 10x probe. I've been doing some 'unique' soldering on broken probes to accomplish this, and for 1x have on occasion just wired directly to a BNC input. My signals are fast enough that a doing a resistor divider just doesn't work for 10x - I need the compensation circuitry in a typical 10x proble. So, I would prefer to be able to use something other than a traditional scope probe... I know there's lots of schematics out there. BUT... I swear somewhere I've seen a pre-made pcb for a 10x probe, ready to add your own cable to. Somewhere like sparkfun or similar, but I sure can't find it now. So, I'd love pointers to this (if anyone has seen it), or simply to a known-good 10x scope probe schematic. Thanks. -forrest -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist