Hi, I have the following code. When i do power up, all i do see is that the LED on RA.1 is lit up after ~250mS What i had been expecting was an edge on RA.1 to light up the LED for ~ 250mS. ie the code looping within main and a subsequent interrupt causes the LED to be cleared (switched ON) and with the return from the ISR back to the main loop with a delay of 250 mS, the LED is set (switched OFF) I can't seem to find what i am doing wrong. Can someone please point out what i am possibly doing wrong ? Thanks, PROCESSOR 16f72 #include "p16f72.inc" __CONFIG _CP_OFF & _WDT_OFF & _PWRTE_ON & _HS_OSC loopus_a EQU 0x2d loopms_a EQU 0x2e loopms_b EQU 0x2f loopms_c EQU 0x2f LEDPORT equ PORTA LEDBIT equ 1 org 0x0 goto init org 0x4 goto isr #include "delays.inc" init banksel TRISA movlw 0x06 movwf ADCON1 movlw 0x00 ; Port A output movwf TRISA movlw 0x01 ; RB.0 int movwf TRISB banksel OPTION_REG bcf OPTION_REG, INTEDG ; falling edge int bsf OPTION_REG, NOT_RBPU ; disable pullup bsf INTCON, INTE ; enable RB.0 int bsf INTCON, GIE ; global int main banksel LEDPORT movlw 0xff call delay_ms bsf LEDPORT, LEDBIT ; LED off movlw 0xff call delay_ms goto main isr banksel LEDPORT bcf INTCON, INTF bcf LEDPORT, LEDBIT retfie END -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist