Hi All, I'm making a handicapped accessible programable arcade control adaptor with a PIC chip. When I tested the output with a multimeter I got a reading of 25ma every time I pushed the joystick forward. But I need a signal that is the same as what an arcade control puts out. I'm connecting the PIC output from a 9pin out port on the e block mulprogrammer though a quad opto-coupler to an I-PAC keyboard encoder. The input to the I-PAC has a 7 K resistor to 5 volts, which pulls it high. Closing a connected switch pulls it low to ground, as the other side of the switch is grounded. So the PIC needs to replicate this by pulling to ground when activated. Could you please review this wiring diagram and tell me why it doesn't work. Problem 1 On the encoder side of the optocupler power goes to terminal but does not pass through to the ground when a signal is present. No signal is picked up and sent to the encoder. Problem 2 On the signal/ joystick side of the optocoupler any signal from the joystick (up, down left,right) will send a signal to the optocoupler at all the positions. We can't differentiate between signals. Is this a grounding issue? All grounds from the optocoupler are going back to the ground wire from the joystick and the ground from the multiprogrammer board. http://www.nabble.com/file/p25204803/opt%253F_2.jpg Jeff -- View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/connecting-a-PICmicrochip-to-a-keyboard-encoder-tp25204803p25204803.html Sent from the PIC - [PIC] mailing list archive at Nabble.com. -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist