Got my IR remote control repeater working, controlling most TV's, DVD, etc., but ran in to an issue with the DIRECTV receivers. Most of the items use approximately 38 KHZ modulation that is pulsed for varying periods. The receivers use no modulation, just pulse the IR signal. Also the signal is inverted. I use the Vishay TSO4840 IR receiver modules to detect the IR signals. They remove the modulation and output a clean TTL signal, filtering the signal to minimize interference from sunlight, lights, etc. These work fine in all cases, even if there is no modulation. This TTL signal goes to a PIC18F4320 PORTB which then as long as the signal is active (low), outputs a software timing loop generated 38 KHZ square wave modulation through PORTA to IR LED's to control the equipment. How can I detect the presence or absence of the modulation with the 4320? Shouldn't need a lot of detail, but more a direction to head. My thinking is to replace the TSO4840's with plain IR detectors so the modulation gets to the 4320. I need to do more work in this area, to insure that there are not range or interference issues. I think range is going to be an issue, unless I amplify the signal, though. I use Audacity, an audio editor with a plain IR detector as a cheap oscilloscope to view the signals. It has been adequate for development so far. Wished I had a nice scope but can't justify the cost at this time. The signal generated just with the detector needs the remote control to be very close (< 2") to work. I do have a PICKIT 2, but haven't figured out how to use the logic tool. The board doesn't use PGD or PGC for anything but programming. I tried jumpering those pins (one at a time) to one of the output pins, and changed the software to provide a continuous modulated output signal. Triggering seemed to be an issue. Thanking ahead of time for help. :) -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at