In SX Microcontrollers, SX/B Compiler and SX-Key Tool, tdg8934 wrote: Camaney, If you are using the either the SX28 or SX48 version, then you will need to use a 20 MHz resonator. I don't have an SX Tech board, but from the picture of one on the Parallax site, it needs to be inserted into the only 3 connector socket to the left of the 4 SX-Key programming pins. It doesn't matter which direction. An SX-48 protoboard has it's resonator 3 pin socket labeled as X2 at the center / left side of the board. As far as the "blue" cable goes, the only cable I have is a grey ribbon cable with an 16 pin (2x8) IDC connector on one side. It can be plugged into either side of the 0830 display. On the other end of the ribbon cable, I have it individually soldered to a male header of 16 pins so that I can plug it into a solderless breadboard (mini to make it moble) between the SX48 protoboard or the Professional Development Board (e.g. SX28 based). From the mini solderless bread board, if you are using the SX Tech board (e.g. SX28) then you want to run 22 guage wires from the ribbon cable mini board on pins as follows: Pin 3 (CS1) -> RA.2 port Pin 5 (WR) -> RA.1 port Pin 7 (DATA) -> RA.0 port [blue]If you are using the SX48 program with 1 display then the pins are switch around a little as follows: Pin 3 (CS1) -> RB.0 port Pin 5 (WR) -> RA.1 port Pin 7 (DATA) -> RA.0 port[/blue] [red]IF YOU ARE CONNECTING A 2ND DISPLAY ON AN SX48 PROTOBOARD THEN USE THESE PINS: [b]Pin 1 (CS2) -> RB.1 port[/b] Pin 3 (CS1) -> RB.0 port Pin 5 (WR) -> RA.1 port Pin 7 (DATA) -> RA.0 port[/red] I hope this helps. Let me know if you have further questions. ---------- End of Message ---------- You can view the post on-line at: Need assistance? Send an email to the Forum Administrator at The Parallax Forums are powered by dotNetBB Forums, copyright 2002-2009 (