On my IR remote repeater, I have 6 LED driver outputs, so far I have replaced 2, could have been accidental shorting during testing, or ESD?? Each output starts at a PIC 18F4320 port B pin. This goes to a ZTX603 NPN Darlington Transistor, with the PIC pin > 2.2K resistor > Transistor Base. The Transistor emitter is to ground, and the transistor collector > 10 ohm resistor > on board RJ-45 > Cat-5 cable > 3.5mm mono audio connector to the IR LED(S). The return is to 5 VDC copper area on board. I am thinking of adding zener ESD protection, but need help. Have tried Googling, but just didn't hit the right info. Some advice would be appreciated: The boards (3) are built, but there are large copper areas for ground and +5VDC near that would make adding components not difficult. I have stock of 1n4733A (5.1V, 1W), 1n4739A (9.1V, 1W), and 1N4148 (75V, 150MA) diodes in sufficient quantity. 1: Would any of these parts be usable? But it wouldn't be an issue to order better suited pieces. 2: How to connect? Ground? +5VDC? Anode/cathode. Thanks again. -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist