2009/8/18 AGSCalabrese : > Carlos > I gotta say... you don't have any idea what is in my mind. Yep, you are right. I wish I could do that, could be useful to keep out of trouble! > I am 58 and I have had plenty of time to absorb > the lessons of life and to choose which ones I will ignore. Good for you. I am only 31 and I have plenty of stuff to learn and absorb. In the other hand, I am not sure if I will have enough time for that (who knows?). >=A0Some people cannot give up being nannies, psudeo-moms, busy-bodies who = tell you to put on a jacket > before you go outside. Some people cannot give up doing stupid things, like putting an ac powered radio near a bath tub or leaving kids alone inside the car while doing shopping. > If I only had to listen to their ditherings , I could probably deal > with it. > Unfortunately, most nannies don't stop there. =A0They gang together to > make laws. Wait, it gets worst. They even dare to form governments and judicial/political/lots-of-other systems. > You have to wear a seat belt. =A0You have to wear a motorcycle helmet. You are right, there could not be worst advices than those, right? > You can't build a fence without > government inspections. =A0You can't take drugs without gatekeepers > reviewing your dosage. > You can't commit suicide. =A0You can't assist a friend who wants to die. No comments on this - material prone to be catalogued as non-PIClist suitable... oh, wait, more babysitting! Even at the piclist! > It is clear to me that I am smarter ( SMARTER ! ) than 99% of the > human race/. I am in no position to doubt that. By the way, understanding the human nature, Mr. Alfred Adler would have had something to say about that last sentence. > While this is a low bar to clear, it has led me to two conclusions. > #1 =A0Nobody is smart enough to tell me how run my own life. > #2 =A0I am smart enough to realize other people's lives belong to them > and I have no business mucking with them > unless they invite me to. I am in no position to criticize your personal credos... > When I ask for advice about engineering and physics and science, I > expect and anticipate intelligent and > informed comments from PIClisters. =A0When and if I ever require advice > on whether to wear my coat when it > is cold , I will go to nanny.com ................. =A0 When I want > advice about breathing I will talk to my partner. "When people ask for advice for free, should not be so stubborn about the free advice they are getting." One of Carlos' sure-to-be-wrong credo. Now, seriously speaking: Gus (may I call you Gus?) I understand that you are a very experienced man with a vast knowledge in lots of engineering, physics and science (redundant) topics; that is cool, really. But as you are not the only one reading the messages on this list, there are others (me included) with out that experience and need to know the possible consecuences of their acts while manipulating potentially dangerous stuff as gazillions volts or googol amps, because they might get hurt while dealing with them. So, while you always know what you are doing, the messages from PIClist are public domain (as in "google knows it all" opposed to "googles owns it all") and anyone can see them and, without proper guidance, the information within them could be misused. Regards, Carlos. > > Best to all the nannies > Gus > -- = http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist