In SX Microcontrollers, SX/B Compiler and SX-Key Tool, tdg8934 wrote: It is interesting that you ask about the 0832 displays. After the last 2-3 months of entertaining relatives for the summer, I am now just starting to get back into my projects again. I just took my 0832 displays out last night for the first time in a long while. I am working on cascading a 2nd display first then move on to more advanced stuff like scrolling, etc. Care to share your current code and I will look it over and see what I can do. Im no expert like JonnyMac or Bean but I learn by examples as many others do. ---------- End of Message ---------- You can view the post on-line at: Need assistance? Send an email to the Forum Administrator at The Parallax Forums are powered by dotNetBB Forums, copyright 2002-2009 (