In SX Microcontrollers, SX/B Compiler and SX-Key Tool, davehein wrote: This thread seems to have gotten off topic. My initial post was to speculate whether Parallax could sell and support a PIC chip or some other processor as a replacement for the SX. Ken's response was that they had supported PIC chips in the past, and the return on investment is not large enough to justify doing that again. From what I can gather, it appears that the SX will be available for a few more years. When the SX runs out Parallax will be completely out of the 8-bit microcontroller business. With all the competition in this segment of the market it seems like Parallax made a reasonable business decision. The Prop is a nice chip, but it is not a good replacement for the SX in most applications. It has a bigger footprint and it cost twice as much. It also requires a crystal and an EEPROM if I recall correctly, which adds more cost and size. Of course, there are some applications where the Prop is a much better choice than the SX. I played around with the Prop a little bit back in April. I like the chip a lot. I notice that the spin language has a lot of similarities with C. In my view, it would have been nice if Parallax would had used C with extensions instead of inventing a new language. However, it shouldn't take long to master the spin language once I get back to working with the Prop chip. Dave ---------- End of Message ---------- You can view the post on-line at: Need assistance? Send an email to the Forum Administrator at The Parallax Forums are powered by dotNetBB Forums, copyright 2002-2009 (