In SX Microcontrollers, SX/B Compiler and SX-Key Tool, JonnyMac wrote: I think it's important to remember that all languages are intermediaries between the programmer and the core processor. In the end, the Propeller really speaks PASM, not Spin. If you look very closely under the hood Spin is an interpreted language (just like PBASIC); the Spin tokens run PASM assembly blocks. For me, programming is more about logic than language -- that said, we use language to express a program's logic. Like many, I grew up on BASIC and have used it personally and professionally for almost 30 years. Still, BASIC is just a language and the programmer in me (and you!) is capable of becoming multilingual. Ken asked me to work with him on a "PBASIC to Spin" guide to help PBASIC programmers -- especially those that are casual programmers -- make the transition a little easier. Mind you, we just started this project on Monday so we've barely fired up the word processor. That said, I've attached a couple sample pages to give you an idea and to show you that there are some direct links between PBASIC and Spin, and where there isn't we have the option of creating them. Learning Spin (and PASM, for that matter) does not require a gigantic investment in time or major shift in thinking (programming logic remains what it is). Why not start now? If a PBASIC compiler for the Propeller ever does show up you haven't lost anything, in fact you've gained experience working with the chip that will let you get the most out of any compiler product. ---------- End of Message ---------- You can view the post on-line at: Need assistance? Send an email to the Forum Administrator at The Parallax Forums are powered by dotNetBB Forums, copyright 2002-2009 (