In SX Microcontrollers, SX/B Compiler and SX-Key Tool, phasesync wrote: PeterM, Thanks again for the tips. Sadly I still do not have the debugging working correctly. >> On your breadboard, as others have mentioned, you must remove the TTL clock chip from the circuit before debugging. You can't just disable it via the enable >> line. Either pull the entire chip, or pull the "clock out" line from it to the SX before trying to debug. The SX-Key will not function properly if the TTL clock line is >> attached. The external resontator component on the breadboard (visible on picture) was not connected to the SX-28. I also removed it completely from the breadboard because I thought it could be the interfering component. On the PCB (see picture) there is no external resonator componenten plugged in. For both the breadboard and PCB the clock is originating from the SX-Key. When I disconnect the SX-Key in "Run" mode the lights stop flashing, reconnecting it resumes flashing. >> Regarding your PCB version, when it goes to "sleep" , what happens when you hit "Reset" on the debug control panel? - CTRL-D -> state Idle -> click button Step -> state Sleeping -> click button Reset -> state Idle -> (endless loop) - CTRL-D -> state Idle -> set breakpoint -> click button Step -> state Sleeping -> (endless loop) - CTRL-D -> state Idle -> click button Reset (many times but slowly) -> always gives state Idle and looking at the instruction pointer it shows randomly 7FF (start vector), 0FD, 000 -> (endless loop) - CTRL-D -> state Idle -> no breakpoints set -> click button Run (at this moment the buttons step, walk, run are disabled and poll and stop are enabled -> click button Stop -> state Sleeping -> (endless loop) In all of these tests I have never seen a single led flashing (compared to Run mode where it all seems to work correctly). >> I have found the USB SX-Keys are somewhat fussy, and sometimes mine will go to "sleep" when I enter debug or try and single step, but hitting "Reset" will make this problem go away. I wish I could say this problem is sometimes :-( >> Also as a test, set the "FREQ" line in your source code to 20 MHz, hit CTRL-D to re->program the chip for debug mode, and see if the problem goes away. Tried 20Mhz and some other frequencies but it always go to the state Sleeping. >> BTW, what is the clock source on the PCB? Resonator or TTL? If TTL, is it disconnected? Nope, don't have an external resonator attached. >> Regarding break in software, I find it to cause "sleep" problems, so I never use it. When you enter debug mode, the chip is idling and doing nothing. You can then set a breakpoint in the debug IDE or single step without having to ever >> use the software "break" function. I'm just stupified and don't get it. How difficult can it be... I've used debug, gdb and VS debuggers but never had so much fuzzyness to deal with. Final thing I will try is installing a clean WinXP and do everything from scratch. Thanks, Joey ---------- End of Message ---------- You can view the post on-line at: Need assistance? Send an email to the Forum Administrator at The Parallax Forums are powered by dotNetBB Forums, copyright 2002-2009 (