In SX Microcontrollers, SX/B Compiler and SX-Key Tool, davehein wrote: I understand Parallax's reasons for dropping the SX. However, I don't understand why Parallax hasn't partnered with a PIC chip manufacturer to provide a replacement. The reasons I use the SX is because of the support Parallax provides. I started with the Basic Stamp, and then moved over to the SX when I saw it's capabilities. I needed the ability to use interrupts, and the SX provided that feature. The SX/B language made it easy to transistion from the Basic Stamp to the SX. I pretty much write everything in SX assembly now, but I still use the SX/B to generate reference code when needed. I like the simplicity of the SX. For some applications I can use the internal clock generator, and the only external component I need is a pull-up resistor for the reset line. The SX-Key is a great device, and I normally add a 4-pin header to my projects so I can reprogram the SX in-circuit. The Prop has too large of a footprint for most of my applications. I normally use SX18 chips for my projects. I have a small supply of these chips and the SX28 chips that will serve my needs for a few years. Personally, the SX EOL won't affect me too much. This is probably true of most of the hobbyist that use the SX. Of course, I'll be in trouble if my SX-Key breaks before I run out of SX chips. The biggest problem will be for people that use the SX chip in their products. Chip suppliers normally have a replacement chip for the part that they EOL. In this case, Parallax has no such part. Manufacturers will have to buy enough SX chips to support their products until they can redesign them to use PIC chips. Over the next few years Parallax will lose their pools of SX customers. This may not be a large pool of customers, but we do buy other parts from Parallax. In my case I have bought voltage regulators, EEPROMs, Accelerometers, A/D converters, and other components from Parallax. I could have bought these components from other sources, but the one-stop shopping made it easier. If I need to switch to the PIC processor, then I might as well get my other parts from that source as well. This is why I would encourage Parallax to resell PIC parts that provide capability that is similar to the SX. I would also encourage Parallax to provide an SX/B-like enviroment for a PIC chip. This way customers could continue to do their one-stop shopping for their projects at Parallax. To the Parallax management, my views are just the opinion of one customer. Other customers may have other opinions. The EOL of the SX causes me little hassle or frustration. However, I like doing business with Parallax. I have been looking at the Prop for some of my more complex projects. It would be nice if Parallax could provide a replacement for the SX for smaller projects. Thanks, Dave Hein ---------- End of Message ---------- You can view the post on-line at: Need assistance? Send an email to the Forum Administrator at The Parallax Forums are powered by dotNetBB Forums, copyright 2002-2009 (