--=-=-= Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by pch.mit.edu id n6RFLbEm028545 "Ruben J=C3=B6nsson" writes: >>=20 >> First I make sure thet in BIOS the Parallel Port is set to >> 'Std. Bi-Direct.'=20 >>=20 >> When: >> D6 is logical 0 the voltage on it is -0.68V >>=20 >> on E of the C556B PNP tranzistor measured 12.09V >> on B measured 11.97V >> on C measured 0.00V >>=20 >> on E of the BC548B NPN tranzistor measured -0,00V >> on B measured 0.73V >> on C measured 0.00V >>=20 >> when: >> D6 is logical 1 the voltage on it is -0.87V >>=20 >> on E of the C556B PNP tranzistor measured 12.09V >> on B measured 11.97V >> on C measured 0.00V >>=20 >> on E of the BC548B NPN tranzistor measured -0,00V >> on B measured 0.73V >> on C measured 0.00V >>=20 > > D6 does not appear to change. It is always low. Disconnect > everything from the output pin and check that you can get D6 to > swing between low and high (between close to 0V - low, to about 3 to > 5 V - high). The LPT Port is like the ascii image bellow: \=C2=B0=C2=B0=C2=B0=C2=B0=C2=B0=C2=B0=C2=B0=C2=B0=C2=B0=C2=B0=C2=B0=C2=B0= =C2=B0/ =C2=B0=C2=B0=C2=B0=C2=B0=C2=B0=C2=B0=C2=B0=C2=B0=C2=B0=C2=B0=C2=B0=C2=B0 with pin numbers in this order: 13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 This is a DB-25 female connector. >From here is a DB-25 male connector with an UTP cable to the protoboard where I measured the D6 (8) wire; when in Pikdev set not inverted D6 (8) pin to 0V on the protoboard side of the wire that is disconnected from enything I measured -1.59V with respect to ground in the LPT port when in Pikdev set not inverted D6 (8) pin to 13V on the protoboard side of the wire that is disconnected from enything I measured -2.05V with respect to ground in the LPT port I have loaded kernel modules: parport_pc parport ppdev amongs other. See the attached file lsmod! --=-=-= Content-Type: application/octet-stream Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=lsmod Content-Description: kernel modules loaded Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 TW9kdWxlICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgU2l6ZSAgVXNlZCBieQpwcGRldiAgICAgICAgICAgICAg ICAgICA2NDA0ICAyIApyZmNvbW0gICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIDI3MDI4ICAwIApsMmNhcCAgICAg ICAgICAgICAgICAgIDE2MDA0ICA1IHJmY29tbQpibHVldG9vdGggICAgICAgICAgICAgIDQyODg0 ICA0IHJmY29tbSxsMmNhcAppcHY2ICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgMjI1MTcyICA4IApjZGNfZXRo ZXIgICAgICAgICAgICAgICA0NjA4ICAwIAp1c2JuZXQgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIDEzNzA0ICAx IGNkY19ldGhlcgpzbmRfb3BsM3NhMiAgICAgICAgICAgIDE0NTcyICAwIApzbmRfb3BsM19saWIg ICAgICAgICAgICA5MzQ0ICAxIHNuZF9vcGwzc2EyCnNuZF9od2RlcCAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIDYx NDggIDEgc25kX29wbDNfbGliCnNuZF9jczQyMzFfbGliICAgICAgICAgMjEzNzYgIDEgc25kX29w bDNzYTIKc25kX21wdTQwMV91YXJ0ICAgICAgICAgNjQwMCAgMSBzbmRfb3BsM3NhMgpwY21jaWEg ICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIDI5NjEyICAwIApmaXJtd2FyZV9jbGFzcyAgICAgICAgICA2NjU2ICAx IHBjbWNpYQpzbmRfcmF3bWlkaSAgICAgICAgICAgIDE4NTkyICAxIHNuZF9tcHU0MDFfdWFydApz bmRfc2VxX2RldmljZSAgICAgICAgICA2NDEyICAyIHNuZF9vcGwzX2xpYixzbmRfcmF3bWlkaQpw YXJwb3J0X3BjICAgICAgICAgICAgIDIyNDM2ICAxIApwYXJwb3J0ICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIDMw NDA4ICAyIHBwZGV2LHBhcnBvcnRfcGMKdG9zaGliYV9hY3BpICAgICAgICAgICAgNTI3MiAgMCAK Y29udGFpbmVyICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgMzQ1NiAgMCAKYmF0dGVyeSAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAx MDExNiAgMCAKYWMgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgNDIyOCAgMCAKYnV0dG9uICAgICAgICAg ICAgICAgICAgNjAzMiAgMCAKcGNzcGtyICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgMjMwNCAgMCAKc25kX3Bj bV9vc3MgICAgICAgICAgICAzMjU0NCAgMCAKc25kX21peGVyX29zcyAgICAgICAgICAxMjI4OCAg MSBzbmRfcGNtX29zcwpzZXJpb19yYXcgICAgICAgICAgICAgICA0NzQwICAwIApzbmRfcGNtICAg ICAgICAgICAgICAgIDYwNjgwICAyIHNuZF9jczQyMzFfbGliLHNuZF9wY21fb3NzCnllbnRhX3Nv Y2tldCAgICAgICAgICAgMjA2MjAgIDIgCnJzcmNfbm9uc3RhdGljICAgICAgICAgIDk0NzIgIDEg eWVudGFfc29ja2V0CmRvbmF1Ym9lICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIDk0NzIgIDAgCnBjbWNpYV9jb3Jl ICAgICAgICAgICAgMzE4ODggIDMgcGNtY2lhLHllbnRhX3NvY2tldCxyc3JjX25vbnN0YXRpYwpw c21vdXNlICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIDMyMDE2ICAwIApzbmRfdGltZXIgICAgICAgICAgICAgIDE3 NjY4ICAzIHNuZF9vcGwzX2xpYixzbmRfY3M0MjMxX2xpYixzbmRfcGNtCnBlZ2FzdXMgICAgICAg ICAgICAgICAgMjA0OTYgIDAgCm1paSAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIDQ4NjQgIDIgdXNibmV0 LHBlZ2FzdXMKc25kICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICA0NDk2NCAgMTEgc25kX29wbDNzYTIsc25k X29wbDNfbGliLHNuZF9od2RlcCxzbmRfY3M0MjMxX2xpYixzbmRfbXB1NDAxX3VhcnQsc25kX3Jh d21pZGksc25kX3NlcV9kZXZpY2Usc25kX3BjbV9vc3Msc25kX21peGVyX29zcyxzbmRfcGNtLHNu ZF90aW1lcgppcmRhICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIDkwOTM2ICAxIGRvbmF1Ym9lCmNyY19jY2l0 dCAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIDIwNDggIDIgZG9uYXVib2UsaXJkYQpzb3VuZGNvcmUgICAgICAgICAg ICAgICA2MTEyICAxIHNuZApzbmRfcGFnZV9hbGxvYyAgICAgICAgICA3ODE2ICAyIHNuZF9jczQy MzFfbGliLHNuZF9wY20KZXZkZXYgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgNzgwOCAgMyAKZXh0MyAgICAg ICAgICAgICAgICAgIDEwMzY4OCAgNSAKamJkICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAzNTA5MiAgMSBl eHQzCm1iY2FjaGUgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIDY2NTYgIDEgZXh0MwppZGVfcGNpX2dlbmVyaWMg ICAgICAgICAzODQ0ICAwIFtwZXJtYW5lbnRdCmF0YV9nZW5lcmljICAgICAgICAgICAgIDQ2MTIg IDAgCmZsb3BweSAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgNDc3NDggIDAgCmlkZV9jZF9tb2QgICAgICAgICAg ICAgMjc2NTIgIDAgCmxpYmF0YSAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAxNDEwODggIDEgYXRhX2dlbmVyaWMK Y2Ryb20gICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAzMDExMiAgMSBpZGVfY2RfbW9kCm9oY2lfaGNkICAgICAg ICAgICAgICAgMTg0MzYgIDAgCnVzYmNvcmUgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAxMTc2MTYgIDUgY2RjX2V0 aGVyLHVzYm5ldCxwZWdhc3VzLG9oY2lfaGNkCnNjc2lfbW9kICAgICAgICAgICAgICAxMjk4MDQg IDEgbGliYXRhCmRvY2sgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIDgwNzYgIDEgbGliYXRhCmlkZV9kaXNr ICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgMTA0OTYgIDcgCnRoZXJtYWwgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgMTUxMzIgIDAg CnByb2Nlc3NvciAgICAgICAgICAgICAgMjgwODAgIDIgdGhlcm1hbApmYW4gICAgICAgICAgICAg ICAgICAgICA0MTAwICAwIAp0aGVybWFsX3N5cyAgICAgICAgICAgIDEwNzg0ICAzIHRoZXJtYWws cHJvY2Vzc29yLGZhbgppZGVfZ2VuZXJpYyAgICAgICAgICAgICAyNDMyICAwIFtwZXJtYW5lbnRd CmlkZV9jb3JlICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgOTUxNDQgIDQgaWRlX3BjaV9nZW5lcmljLGlkZV9jZF9t b2QsaWRlX2Rpc2ssaWRlX2dlbmVyaWMK --=-=-= > It seems a bit odd that you get almost -1V on the output pin. Are > you measuring it with respect to ground in the LPT port? Do you have > ground connected correctly between the PC and your circuit? > Specifically, the ground from your 12V supply must be connected to > ground in the LPT port. On my solderless protoboard have assembled the Voltage Regulator too, from the following elements: IC: 7812BT, capacitors: 100nF, 100nF, polar capacitor: 10pF. The +12V connected to the PIC Parallel Port Programmer to the 10K resistor and transistor BC556B and the GND from here connected to the GND from LPT port. This GND is connected too to the GND from USB from where I get the Vcc +5V for the IC. I measured voltages abowe mentioned with respect to ground in the LPT port that is connected to other GND's too. All grounds are connected together: GND from the power supply 18V DC (that provide the voltage for the Voltage Regulator) is the same ground as GND for the +12V too, GND from USB, and finally GND from the LPT port. > Can you get the VPP (MCLR) voltage to get to 12V by manually > connecting the input of U3 and U5 to a high TTL voltage (3 to 5V) > when D6 is disconnected? I used the +5.09V from the USB port for this. No, I can't get the Vpp (MCLR) voltage to get to 12V by manually connecting the input of U3 and U5 (SN7406N) when D6 is disconnected. I get only 0,08V on Vpp (MCLR). Any advices will be appreciated! -- Regards, Paul Chany http://csanyi-pal.info --=-=-= Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Disposition: inline Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist --=-=-=--