a) I might get a solution > b) it's an example of getting an additional feature "for free" > c) It's an example of what can bite you when you try 2. above. Interestingly, the typical bias current and maximum offset current are about 3:1 for the LM324/224 so the original method would be expected to work often - as it indeed did. Alas, as you note, there is no minimum bias current specified. 1. LM3900/2900 may be suitably different enough to prove better, or worse, in practice. Amplifiers from different manufacturers may prove better or worse. Even date coded parts from an earlier era may do the job if the problem has only occurred recently. A die shrink or process change may have 'improved' the product and contributed to the previously successful kluge now sometimes not working. 2. Don't try this at home / YMWV: To add to the conniptions of the prior commentator you could consider adding a 'blob' of a 'suitably high resistance when set' compound at an appropriate point in the circuit - depending on the number of channels being used for this purpose and which amplifiers in the package were used and polarities etc it could be between inverting and output or non inverting and ground or ... . Something with 10's to 100's of megohm/square at an application thickness of semi-random and final characteristics dependant on temperature, humidity, phase of moon and proximity of deceased fish would add to the excitement and naughtiness of such a solution. And it might even be able to be made to work reliably enough to be useful. Or not. 3. Add on resistors would be less exciting. Just maybe these could be suitably sized devices added at locations where there were not intended to be resistors present. Such a solution approaches the naughtiness of the prior one. Some fish may be harmed in its execution. R (This PICList account being used due to exigencies of current systems' status)(statii?). -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist