In SX Microcontrollers, SX/B Compiler and SX-Key Tool, CounterRotatingProps wrote: [quote="Spiff"] [b][/b] You got me all blushing! Thanks for the feedback. [/quote]You're welcome! Now stop blushing and get back to coding ;-P > In the end, I think it would be best to embed python into sxgo Yes. > 3b: I'm not sure what you mean. should it show the current assembly instruction? > Does that mean it doesn't show you the green bar that highlights the current statement in the listing? Yes, that's working fine - no worries there. It's just at the start, pause, and end states where it's not clear what it's doing... but the "unclarity" might be gone once you get used to how it works. > currently executing line is by highlighting it with a green bar > (actually it only updates that bar every 10 milion instructions, about five times per second). You're probably fine tune it by adding a "step" "walk" "run" speed control. (And then comes "step into," "step over," etc...) And by the time you have that, Guenther may get wind of this and put Python into SXSim --- then you'll really have some (friendly) competition - and not just who's got the better engineers, Netherlands or Germany? ;-) > It's Visual Studio 2008 (9.0) express edition on Windows vs. GCC 4.3 & eclipse on Linux. Oh very cool ! I've got both going here (WOW is eclipse a fatty or what??) > Another small step towards my Secret Plan for World Domination by Putting Python in Everything... Sshhh! Don't tell anyone ! > Cheers, and be careful with those fireworks today... Thanks, it was a * BLAST * - Howard ---------- End of Message ---------- You can view the post on-line at: Need assistance? Send an email to the Forum Administrator at The Parallax Forums are powered by dotNetBB Forums, copyright 2002-2009 (