That's just a normal obuscation I deal with every day. They use silly things like this and even much more complicated ones for Javascript, visual basic, autoit and the kind and they think their code are well protected.... This samaple did not even use trigraphs so it was just ok... #include int m[256][256], a, b; WINDOW *w; char *l = "\176qxlqqkwxmxtjvun"; Q[] = "Zpt!ftd`qdc!`eudq!$c!nnwft\040\t"; c( int u , int v) { v ? m[u][v-1] |= 2, m[u][v-1] & 48 ? W][v-1] & 15]]) : 0 : 0; u ? m[u-1][v] |= 1 ,m[u-1][v] & 48 ? W-1][v] & 15]]) : 0 : 0; v < 255 ? m[u][v+1]| = 8 ,m[u][v+1] & 48 ? W][v+1] & 15]]) : 0 : 0; u < 255 ?m[ u+1][v]|= 4,m[u+1][v] & 48 ? W+1][v] & 15]]) : 0 : 0; W][v] & 15]]); } // recursive loops on the string cu ( char *q ) { return *q ? ( // some silly decryption algorithm cu (q + 1) & 1 ? q[0]++ : q[0]-- ) : 1; } d( int u , int v, int x, int y) { int Y = y - v, X = x - u; int S,s; Y < 0 ? Y = -Y, s, s = -1 : (s = 1); X < 0 ? X = -X, S = -1 : (S = 1); Y <<= 1; X <<= 1; if(X > Y) { int f = Y -( X >> 1 ); while(u != x ) { f >= 0 ? v += s,f -= X : 0; u +=S ; f += Y; m[u][v] |= 32; mvwaddch( w,v ,u, m[u][v] & 64 ? 60 : 46); if (m[u][v] & 16) { c(u,v); return; } } } else{int f=X -(Y>>1); while (v != y ){f >= 0 ? u += S, f -= Y : 0; v += s; f += X; m[u][v] |= 32; mvwaddch ( w, v ,u, m[u][v] & 64 ? 60 : 46 ); if( m[u][v] & 16) { c( u,v ); return; } } } } Z( int a, int b){ } e( int y,int x){ int i ; for (i= a; i <= a + S; i++) d(y,x,i,b), d(y,x,i,b+L); for( i =b; i <= b + L; i++) { d(y,x,a,i); d(y,x,a+ S,i); } mvwaddch(w,x,y,64); prefresh( w,b,a,0,0 ,L- 1,S-1); } main( int V , char *C[] ) { FILE *f = fopen( V == 1 ? "arachnid.c" : C[1], "r"); ... got bored and did not continue... On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 8:20 PM, Peter Restall wrote: > > For those who are interested, they still do hold the Obfuscated C > competition :) > > > > I honestly don't know why people dislike C...this is pure > art/genius/madness ! > > (btw - this is called 'arachnid.c' and requires ncurses to compile; use a, > s, > w and d keys). > > Regards, > > Pete Restall > > --- > > #include /*****************************************************/ > int m[256 ] [ 256 ],a > ,b ;;; ;;; WINDOW*w; char*l="" "\176qxl" "q" "q" "k" "w\ > xm" "x" "t" "j" "v" "u" "n" ,Q[ > ]= "Z" "pt!ftd`" "qdc!`eu" "dq!$c!nnwf"/** *** */"t\040\t";c( > int u , int v){ v?m [u] [v- > 1] |=2,m[u][v-1] & 48?W][v-1 ] & 15]]):0:0;u?m[u -1][v]|=1 ,m[ > u- 1][ v]& 48? W-1 ][v ]& > 15] ]):0:0;v< 255 ?m[ u][v+1]|=8,m[u][v+1]& 48? W][ v+1]&15]] > ):0 :0; u < 255 ?m[ u+1 ][v ]|= > 4,m[u+1][ v]&48?W+1][v]&15]]):0:0;W][ v]& 15] ]);}cu(char*q){ > return > *q ?cu (q+ 1)& 1?q [0] ++: > q[0 ]-- :1; }d( int u , int/**/v, int/**/x, int y){ int > Y=y -v, X=x -u; int S,s ;Y< 0?Y =-Y ,s, > s=- 1:( s=1);X<0?X=-X,S =-1 :(S= 1); Y<<= 1;X<<=1; if(X>Y){ > int f=Y -(X >>1 );; while(u!= x){ > f>= 0?v+=s,f-=X:0;u +=S ;f+= Y;m[u][v]|=32;mvwaddch(w,v ,u, m[u > ][ v]& 64? 60: 46) ;if (m[ u][ > v]&16){c(u,v);; ;;; ;;; return;}} }else{int f=X -(Y>>1);; > while > (v !=y ){f >=0 ?u +=S, f-= Y:0 > ;v +=s ;f+=X;m[u][v]|= 32;mvwaddch(w,v ,u,m[u][v]&64?60:46);if(m[u > ][ v]& 16) {c( u,v ); > ; return;;;}}}}Z( int/**/a, int b){ }e( int/**/y,int/**/ x){ > int i ; for (i= a;i <=a > +S;i++)d(y,x,i,b),d(y,x,i,b+L);for(i=b;i<=b+L;i++)d(y,x,a,i),d(y,x,a+ S,i > ); ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ; > mvwaddch(w,x,y,64); ;;; ;;; ;;; prefresh( w,b,a,0,0 ,L- > 1,S-1 > );} main( int V , char *C[ > ] ){FILE*f= fopen(V==1?"arachnid.c"/**/ :C[ 1],"r");int/**/x,y,c, > v=0 ;;; initscr (); Z(Z > (raw > () ,Z( curs_set(0),Z(1 ,noecho()))),keypad( stdscr,TRUE));w > =newpad > ( 300, 300 ) ; for (x= 255 ; x >=0 ;x-- > ) for (y= 255 ;y>=0;y-- )m[ x][ y]= 0;x=y=0;refresh( > );while > ( (c= fgetc (f) )+1) {if( > 0||c==10|| x== 256){x=0;y++;if(y==256 )break;;} else{m[x][y]=(c == > '~' ?64 : c ==32 ?0: 16) ;;x ++; > }}for(x=0 ;x< 256;x++)m [x][0]=16 ,m[ x][ 255]=16;for(y=0 > ;y< 256 ; y ++) m[0 ][y ] = 16, > m[255][y] =16 ;a=b=c=0; x=y =1; do{v++;mvwaddch (w, y,x ,m[ > x][ y]& 32? m[x ][y ] & 16? > 0| acs_map[l[m[x][y]&15]]:46 : 32);c==0163&&!(m[x][y+1]&16)?y++: 0;c > == 119 &&! (m[ x][ > y- 1]& 16) ?y--:0;;c ==97 &&!(m[x-1][y]&16)?x--:0;c==100&&!(m[x+1 > ][ y]& 16) ? x ++:0 ;if( c== > 3- 1+1 ){endwin( );; return(0) ;}x -a<5?a>S- 5?a-=S-5:(a=0): > 0;x -a> S-5?a<255 -S* 2?a +=S > -5:(a=256-S):0; y-b<5?b>L-5?b-=L-5:(b =0) :0; y-b>L-5?b<255-L *2? > b+= L-5 :(b > =256 > -L) :0;e(x,y);if(m[x][y]&64)break;}while((c=getch())!=-1);endwin();cu(Q); > printf(Q,v);} > > -- > PIC/SX FAQ & list archive > View/change your membership options at > > -- -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at