Nick, I've had a quick read of the constructional article and it's a lot clearer now So, there's an astable 555 running at 900Hz - 2300Hz with adjustable duty cycle. This pulse train drives two 74HC221 monostables, which in turn each output a delayed pulse with adjustable pulse width The short answer is that this can be done fairly easily with the 628 using code suggested so far. PWM will work to replicate the original 555 train but as the other two need to be done in s/w you might just as well use s/w for all In the schematic the controls are analogue (pots). It won't be possible to emulate this exactly using pushbuttons without some disruption to the output until the new values come into effect but in this app I don't think that's too much of a big deal. OTOH the pulse parameters will be more consistent and precise with a digital generator My thought would be to use B0 INT to break into the pulse train. Push buttons would be diode-OR'd to generate an interrupt from any button press, with each button also going to its own PIC input. These inputs can be polled to determine which button caused the interrupt and which parameter is changed -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at