No Czech here - BUT it doesn't sound like TOTAL gibberish. If you provided a few paragraphs either side of that I suspect there's be = enough for a Mentat to have a fair bash at understanding it. Running at perhaps only 10% requisite data level, it seems it may be saying = something like " ... Some files are executables which are called from a command line = while others are GUI activated and that to some extent you can tell which i= s = which by their file names BUT in a complex environment the names do not = always give a proper indication of their functionality and so it may be = impossible to run an application even though the files to do so are = available to you. ... " or something :-). Some context may well help. Onlist or offlist to as suits. Russell I have an IT-article written in Czech that I'm trying to read (using Googles translator). However, there's a paragraph that I haven't got the faintest clue of what it says. Original: "Moment=E1ln=EC je to toti=BE tak, =BEe v bal=ED=E8ku najdete hromadu spustiteln=FDch soubor=F9, z nich=BE n=ECkter=E9 funguj=ED v p=F8=EDkazov= =E9m =F8=E1dku, jin=E9 maj=ED vlastn=ED grafick=E9 prost=F8ed=ED, nicm=E9n=EC ne v=B9echny = n=E1zvy soubor=F9 EXE jsou natolik intuitivn=ED, abyste hned odhalili k =E8emu, kter=FD program slou=BE=ED. Resp. nemus=EDte po=BEadovanou aplikaci ihned naj=EDt." Translated: "Currently it is the way that meeting can be found in a package of executable files, some of which operate in the command line, others have their own graphical environment, but not all of EXE file names are so intuitive, you now discover what that program. Resp. you do not immediately find the desired application." -- = - Rikard - -- = PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at = -- = PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at