In SX Microcontrollers, SX/B Compiler and SX-Key Tool, PJMonty wrote: Bill, From page 8 of Gunther's excellent FAQ (which can be found by clicking [url=][green]here[/green][/url]): [b]The Debugger starts in running mode[/b] [b]Q:[/b] On my SX 28, when I choose Debug, the debug window comes up RUNNING and the options for Poll-ing, Run, Stop etc. are gray and I cannot single-step through my program. [b]A:[/b] One reason might be that you have previously programmed the SX selecting "Run - Program" and then selected "Run - Debug (reenter)". The reason is that there is a difference between "Program" and "Debug". When you choose "Program", the only code sent to the SX is the code you wrote. When you select "Debug" instead, not only is your code sent, but a little piece of special code is also appended. This additional code is required to enable the SX-Key to properly control and communicate with the chip while debugging. The option "Run - Debug (reenter)" is meant to continue a previous debugging session, assuming that no changes have been made to the code in the meantime. Therefore, the code is not sent into the SX device again, saving the time required to do this. The IDE expects that the required debugging code is available in the chip, though. When this is not the case (because the chip was not programmed for debugging), the debugger can't communicate with, or control the chip. Therefore, it indicates "RUNNING" only, and does not allow any other options. Another reason for the debugger starting in running mode is that a resonator, crystal, or an external clock source is connected to the OSC1 and OSC2 pins in parallel to the SX-Key. Although the chip can usually be programmed in this configuration, debugging is not possible. Remove or disconnect the external clocking device to allow for debugging. Another cause for the debugger to display the "RUNNING" status is when the MCLR* pin is pulled low by some reason. In this case, the SX is definitely not running but held in reset state. It seems as if the De-bugger reports "RUNNING" whenever it cannot communicate with the SX. Thanks, PeterM ---------- End of Message ---------- You can view the post on-line at: Need assistance? Send an email to the Forum Administrator at The Parallax Forums are powered by dotNetBB Forums, copyright 2002-2009 (