---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Andy Kowalewski Date: Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 6:42 PM Subject: [DC] HDI Handbook To: DesignerCouncil@ipc.org Most of us know or have heard of Happy Holden, PCB guru and all round good guy who knows more about PCBs in his little finger than I know or have known and forgotten in my whole body. Happy has just completed a HDI Handbook which is an absolutely brilliant collection of up-to-date stuff that designers need to know about board design generally and HDI in particular. And it's eminently readable despite having a lot of technical stuff in it. Oh, did I mention that it's a free download? I suggest all serious board designers should at least look at Happy's blog and download the Handbook, and every novice wanting to learn more should do the same to pick up heaps of good stuff about board design, fab, assembly and test in general. http://communities.mentor.com/mgcx/community/pcb/blogs/happy_holden But wait, there's more! Happy has links to other good stuff too. Worth a lo= ok. And if he reads this: On behalf of the designer community =96 Thanks, Happy. Cheers=85.. Andy Kowalewski www.AdvantagePCB.com +61 2 9499 4853 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------= ---- DesignerCouncil Mail List provided as a service by IPC using LISTSERV 1.8e To unsubscribe, send a message to LISTSERV@IPC.ORG with following text in the BODY (NOT the subject field): SIGNOFF DesignerCouncil To temporarily stop/(start) delivery of DesignerCouncil for vacation breaks send: SET DesignerCouncil NOMAIL/(MAIL) Search previous postings at: http://listserv.ipc.org/archives Please visit IPC web site http://www.ipc.org/contentpage.asp?Pageid=3D4.3.16 for additional information, or contact Keach Sasamori at sasako@ipc.org or 847-615-7100 ext. 2815 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------= ---- -- = http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist