Well I've ordered cool weather, a bit of sunshine and some snow for next week, now the most important thing INTERNET! I have Vodafone 3G wireless broadband, but they are a pain trying to cancel the roaming data package and I detest talking to a robot called Lara - it doesn't understand me swearing at it and it's unctuous vocal tones wind me up something chronic. Anyhow, Virgin in Australia have a prepaid mobile 3G broadband, I know they aren't in NZ, but my guggling search has only brought up Vodafone and one other highly expensive outfit neither offer anything like short term connections. Does any wireless 3G provider in NZ offer a prepaid effort? Colin -- cdb, on 15/11/2008 -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist