In SX Microcontrollers, SX/B Compiler and SX-Key Tool, smcmanus wrote: I'm not familiar with SX/B, but I am somewhat familiar with the uOLED displays from 4D Systems. Sending the 'PowerOn" command "$59, $03, $01" before the AutoBaud command "$55" WILL NOT WORK. The AutoBaud command MUST be the first command sent to the display and you should verify that the display responds with an ACK ($06), before proceeding. Sending just a "string" as you do in your code: TX_Str "SX/B Rocks" will not work. You will need to use one of the serial text commands, i.e. [i]Place string of Ascii Text (formatted) (s) Syntax : cmd, column, row, font, colour(msb:lsb), "string", terminator cmd : 73 hex, s ascii[/i] [i][/i] [i](see the uOLED-128-GMD1 (or -G1) documentation for details and examples of the complete serial command symtax)[/i] Example: "s",0,0, 1, $FF,$FF, "SX/B Rocks", $00 Prints the string "SX/B Rocks" at col 0, row 0, font size 1(8x8), text color WHITE As far as the hook-up goes, I would also add a 10K pullup resistor on the display's Rx line to improve AutoBaud imunity to noise and false lock-ons. Good luck, Duffer ---------- End of Message ---------- You can view the post on-line at: Need assistance? Send an email to the Forum Administrator at The Parallax Forums are powered by dotNetBB Forums, copyright 2002-2008 (