:: With a monthly spending limit of $10k and a :: yearly budget of $3.5k, there's a bit of a mis-match. Precisely it isn't mathematically logical. Perhaps the Biology department leaves maths to the Faculty of Maths. The last company I worked for had a corporate credit card with a $1K monthly limit, no way of knowing when you'd gone over the limit until you had to delve into your personal card and then wait over a month for reimbursement. Colin -- cdb, colin@btech-online.co.uk on 6/11/2008 Web presence: www.btech-online.co.uk Hosted by: www.1and1.co.uk/?k_id=7988359 -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist